Thursday, September 20, 2012

Hardest Antelope Hunt of My Life!

Me and my guide who also happns to double as my son occasionally.
Just finished one of the hardest hunting experiences of my life. I have hunted Antelope three times and all three were completed in less than three days -  fun but not too hard.

This Likely Tables hunt in Modoc county took six days of walking on lava rocks, crawling on rocks and sage, chasing goats that run at the sight of truck, hot, and challenging at best.

I had shots, first day at over 290yds with Weatherby 270. missed? Second day, shot at 325 with a 243, missed? Now I was losing confidence. Target shot, all guns shooting ok, must be me?

Fourth day, had a good goat at 125, partially exposed body, missed again. Retargeted the gun, shooting good. My guide, Dan, said after some dry fires, I was jerking the trigger, great, I have never had a shooting problem. Went back to Alturas for the last weekend, decided that I would hold out still for a book goat? Day six, had three average goats at under 100 yds, choose to not shoot, this was a tough decision.

Last evening, we stalked another group, set up with a Montana decoy and the buck ran from 260 yds to 35 yds to fight and we harvested him. Not a big goat by any means but a trophy tome. My thanks to my son Dan and Emily for all their hard scouting and work and putting up with me. Love you both. Lesson: Humble pie tastes bitter but brings you back to the essence of being a sportman, just being there with the ones you love.See More

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